• Question: What is the moon made out of?

    Asked by anon-264085 on 12 Oct 2020.
    • Photo: James Smallcombe

      James Smallcombe answered on 12 Oct 2020:

      Rock/Space Dust.

      The moon was made in the same way as the planets, space dust (left over after old stars had burned out) collapsed under gravity, compacted and compressed under their own mass, slowly cooled and formed solid rocks.

      We think the moon has an iron core. Iron is quite common because it’s the heaviest element stars make during normal fusion before they die. Then the thick surface crust of moon is made of rocks with a mixed chemical composition containing the elements oxygen, silicon, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, iron, titanium (and small amounts of others).

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 13 Oct 2020:

      Mainly basalt (the same igneous rock as planet earth).

      The most widely accepted theory is that an unknown planetary body collided with the earth billions of years ago when the earth was not yet a solid, and the big glob that was knocked off became our moon.

    • Photo: Stephen Clarke

      Stephen Clarke answered on 22 Oct 2020:

      NASA are just about to make a big announcement about the moon, keep a look out for that as it might be really interesting
