• Question: Do you believe in the 4th 3th and 2th dimensions where aliens might live

    Asked by anon-266344 on 20 Oct 2020.
    • Photo: James Smallcombe

      James Smallcombe answered on 20 Oct 2020:

      Well in physics we totally believe in 4 dimensions. A 1st, 2nd and 3rd spatial dimensions and a 4th time dimension. Together they make up space-time of general relativity which we use to understand all sorts of phenom we observe such as time-dilation, black holes and light bending around stars.

      If there are higher order dimensions we cant see and comprehend, I don’t know. There have been some credible theories in the past such as “string theory” that suggest higher order dimensions. We have to ask if there are observations in science that additional dimensions would explain, and I think in general the answer is no.

      If there are extra dimensions beyond which we can see, I don’t see why there couldn’t be beings that could see/exist in them.

    • Photo: Stephen Clarke

      Stephen Clarke answered on 20 Oct 2020:

      I’m not sure about extra dimensions like that, but I do believe that with the a vastness of space and all of the various opportunities for life to evolve, it is unlikely that Earth is the only place where life has evolved

    • Photo: Alex Ttofi

      Alex Ttofi answered on 22 Oct 2020:

      James has given a great answer.
      I would add that dimensions has been answered for now but we know so little about current matter and energy. Most of what we know and see as matter supposedly (I’m no physics expert so read NASA https://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy or wiki’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy )
      makes up around 5% of all of it. So what is dark energy and dark matter ? I think will be the next major break through in this area as dimensions cannot move forward without knowing what we have around us.
