• Question: What qualifications do I need if I want to become a CSI?

    Asked by anon-263674 to Will, Viktor, Tim, Holly on 8 Oct 2020.
    • Photo: Holly Duns

      Holly Duns answered on 8 Oct 2020:

      In the UK we no longer call this role CSI (Crime Scene Investigator),it is known as a SOCO (Scenes of Crime Officer) just if you are interested in looking it up for more detail.

      You can become a SOCO through a couple of routes;
      1. You could join the police as an officer and progress into a SOCO role. You would most likely need around 5 GCSEs to be able to progress into this kind of dicipline. This may be seen as desirable as you gain a lot of experience of policing, what to expect from a crime scene and the best way to approach it.

      2. You could study a specialism such as forensics and become a forensic investigator. Depending on the university you would need to have biology and chemistry at A-Level as well as english at a minimum. This is something that can be easily located on university websites. This is more of a fast tract route becoming a SOCO or forensic investigator however requires spending 3/4 years at university.
