• Question: what is your favourite car

    Asked by anon-259827 on 29 Sep 2020.
    • Photo: James Smallcombe

      James Smallcombe answered on 29 Sep 2020:

      As a good environment loving scientist I should probably say something like a Tesla or other electric car. But I do like a Ferrari, particularly something from their square boxy era like the Berlinetta.

    • Photo: Richard Fielder

      Richard Fielder answered on 29 Sep 2020:

      Whatever I can fit enough stuff in for a week or so holiday out in the wilderness. Unfortunately that means electric cars aren’t really an option yet since range is a problem and chargers don’t cover most more remote places. Something like Subaru Legacy is ideal – it will go anywhere with all the stuff you need, and will just keep going for decades.

    • Photo: Gaby Mayorga Adame

      Gaby Mayorga Adame answered on 29 Sep 2020:

      I love old jeeps. A suzki samurai 😀
      If I lived in a big city I would like a tinny electric car.

    • Photo: Tim Knapp

      Tim Knapp answered on 2 Oct 2020:

      I did like my fathers old Mercedes 190 D after I converted it to run on vegetable oil, much more carbon friendly than diesel.
      I have also had a number of cars than were duel fuel, which means you could run it on petrol or LPG gas. You may see some busses that say they run on gas, this might be hydrogen, or natural gas (the same as the gas in your gas central heating) or LPG which is Liquid Petroleum Gas (similar to if you go camping the stove would have a gas very similar in it).

      My favorite car was my Subaru Forester, that was duel fuel and it was fantastic in the snow as it had all wheel drive, it was comfy and would tow a diving boat easily 🙂

    • Photo: Andy Timms

      Andy Timms answered on 7 Oct 2020:

      I’ve always had a desire to own a Volvo P1800 🙂 Lovely looking car, but probably totally eco-unfriendly

    • Photo: Will Davison

      Will Davison answered on 14 Oct 2020:

      My favourite car is my little VW golf called Bagheera! I’ve had her for ages and she never lets me down. Shes just the right size that I can pile all of my friends and all their stuff if we want to go away somewhere. She’s also just the right size for me to stick my surfboard down the middle if I want to nip off for a surf on the weekend!
