• Question: what are your favourite thing to do

    Asked by anon-259705 to Matt, NuclearJames, Eric, chrisbloomer on 28 Sep 2020.
    • Photo: Chris Bloomer

      Chris Bloomer answered on 28 Sep 2020:

      I definitely like exploring!

      I like exploring new places, cycling up and down mountains, and travelling to other countries. But I also like exploring new things in the science lab, like tinkering with new technology to make experiments work. I like writing coding and building things at home, just to see what new things I can make.

    • Photo: James Smallcombe

      James Smallcombe answered on 29 Sep 2020:

      Is it really boring to say my job is my hobby? I do love to build detectors for my experiments and write bits of code to do pretty things with the results.
      Outside of that I’m a big PC gamer (I’ve been playing a lot of Kerbal Space Program during social distancing) and when I’m with friends then board games or to go out and do an escape room.
